Gauteng Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio Committee on Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture appreciates the progressive work done by Gauteng Film Commission an agency of the Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation As part of its work on oversight over the Executive, the Portfolio Committee attended the Durban International Film Festival from 17th July 2019 to 24th July 2019 as per the invite from the Gauteng Film Commission, during the festival several commissions on: How to create the ultimate film, going for the Oscars, filmmaking and taking the risk and many more industry related topics were discussed. The Committee experienced first-hand how the Gauteng Film Commission champions its work on presenting Gauteng as the production hub for filming and content development and attracting foreign direct investment.
The Gauteng Film Commission contributes immensely towards radical economic transformation of Gauteng as part of the ten pillars of Transformation, Modernization and Re-industrialization. The Committee further would like to congratulate the Director of “Letters of hope” that was produced in Gauteng through the support from Gauteng Film Commission for scooping the best Director Award at the Durban International Film Festival. The Committee is further excited by the planned MOU to be signed between the JOBURG Film Festival – Discop Joburg and Gauteng Film Commission in partnering to host the Joburg Film Festival which will be beneficial to the people of Gauteng The committee further would like to applaud the Commission on initiating a partnership between a 24-hour live streaming service owned by Mr. Thabo Molefe famously known as Tbo Touch, this will be the first of its kind partnership between GFC and THD24 to train and stream local content produced by residents of Gauteng.
What makes this partnership exciting is that unemployed graduates from universities and film schools will be encouraged to submit their content. The content will be produced by locals in English and all the South African indigenous languages. The graduates will have an opportunity to produce scripts for series, short films and documentaries using THD24 facilities and studios. “This partnership will open doors for young and upcoming film producers in Gauteng, we look forward to seeing the next Oscar nominated film being produced by locals in the streets of Gauteng said Portfolio Committee Chairperson William Mathafeng Matsheke” On behalf of the Portfolio Committee we want to applaud the commitment shown by MEC Mbali Hlophe, the Board of the Agency, Senior Management and employees at Gauteng Film Commission in making sure that it assist the Gauteng Provincial Government in growing Gauteng together said Chairperson Matsheke.