Picture by Mr Moses Gama.
By Asiphe Mangumta

Learners from Alafang secondary school, Thuto-Lesedi comprehensive school and Ponego secondary school launched their clap and tap music on the 12 of October at Tsolo Hall in Katlehong. They are overall winners of the Arising stars school Clap and Tap music challenge season 2. The group have already launched their cd titled “Arising stars school Clap N Tap music challenge Vol 2. The winners are following on the footsteps of the overall winners of Vol 1 and showing the way for the upcoming Vol 3”.
The music challenge is said to be providing alternatives for keeping school learners away from drug use.it’s an excite methods or activity to keep them busy and support them through something that will guide them for a bright future. The music challenge is in partnership with Tsohang Youth project an organization that is working to realise a drug free townships and rural areas.
According to Moses Gama the director of clap and tap music challenge, they have been doing great in 1st and 2nd challenge and hope to reach more people as they have invited private schools to join the clap and tap. The purpose of this challenge is to give children something to do, something to live for and stay away from creating trouble. Support from public sectors and in their respective schools is giving children alternative to the learners other than using drugs. The genre is starting to receive support from the community as well.
The income of the CDs goes to the pupils, music mentors,art education, skills development, educational,historical sites, the #OnekasiOnetreatmentcentre campaign which is a call for necessarily resources impatient treatment centres and people with drug problems. The event was honoured by the presence of MMC Nomadlozi Nkosi ,who took the lead of supporting the young artists by buying the first bunch of the Vol 2 CDs.