On Saturday 30 November and Sunday 1 December, Sibikwa Arts Centre celebrated its Saturday Arts
Academy and Inclusive Creative Arts Programme learners who completed their 2019 year of study
and will be proceeding to their next year of study in 2020. With the guidance of their teachers, 137
learners, aged between 6 and 33 years, presented poetry, drama, music, dance and story-telling
performances and a visual arts exhibition that showcased what they had learnt, and the growth that
they had achieved over the year. Both days included certificate and prize giving ceremonies that
recognized and applauded the dedication, diligence and promise of learners that demonstrated
improvement and excellence across the art forms. Hundreds of parents, family and community
members, and programme partners and funders, attended the 4 showcases to witness the young
budding performers on stage.It was a day of excitement, pride and hope that will remain a beautiful
memory for all.
A visionary arts centre dedicated to cutting edge performing arts that awaken and nurture talent in a
society poised to tell our own stories in our on ways, and committed to the development of young
artists and their work; Sibikwa prides itself on providing quality arts education that is
experiential and multi-disciplinary.
The Saturday Arts Academy is one of Sibikwa's cornerstone projects.Established in 1995, the
Academy is committed to the marginalized youth of South Africa, using the medium of arts
education to develop an appreciation of the arts, understand what it means to be a leader, and
enhance their life and interpersonal skills. Registration for young people between the ages of
6 and 24 years, interested in participating in this 37-week Saturday Arts Academy in 2020, closes on
6 December 2019.
The Inclusive Creative Arts Programme intends to build the capacity of out-of-school out-of-work
youth, providing them with the access and opportunity for personal and professional development.
Through engagement and education in drama, poetry, music and dance, this programme promotes
the benefits of multi-disciplinary arts experiences for encouraging expression,growing confidence
and building the capacity of young people for improved learning, work-readiness and reimagining
the possibilities of their futures.This Inclusive Creative Arts Programme was initiated in 2018, and
commencedwith the 1st Semester of the 2019 cycle in February.