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Writer's picture: EkuruleninewsEkuruleninews

The African National Congress (ANC) Ekurhuleni Region is shocked to learn about the sudden passing on of Cde Isaac Thumbu Mahlangu after a very short illness. Cde Thumbu passed on early the evening of Friday the 27th Mach 2020.

His death comes in the midst of the ongoing fight against the COVID 19 pandemic. The African National Congress (ANC) Ekurhuleni Region mourns his untimely passing of Cde which hasi shocked and surprised all and sundry.

The ANC in Ekurhuleni Region deep its flag and wishes to convey heartfelt it condolences to the family, friends, colleagues and comrades of Cde Thumbu Mahlangu. He was indeed a rare breed of activist and a cadre of the Mass Democratic Movement (MDM) at large.

From as early as the early 80s, he served the movement and MDM structures as a dependable activist and a cadre. He served as a National Organizer for Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU). Cde Mahlangu further served the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in various structures and capacities, in the Provincially and Nationally.

His skills and dedication to serve were demonstrated through his election as the Regional Chairperson of the ANC in the then Khayalami Region and as the Mayor of the then Khayalami Metropolitan Municipality. Upon the establishment of the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Tenty years ago, Cde Thumbu Mahlangu was appointed to serve in a various portfolios in the City. He served in various positions of the Mayoral Committee such as; City Planning, Economic Development, SHRAC and Transport.

He also served the ANC Ekurhuleni region in a very responsible position as the Regional Treasurer and that went further to display faith and leadership skills that Cde Mahlangu possessed.

Upon his passing, he was a serving Chairperson of Fidel Castro Branch. It is worthy for the ANC in Ekurhuleni to note that Cde Thumbu Mahlangu served in all positions assigned to him with humility, dedication and distiction.

Given the current state of affairs in the Country and the World over interms of COVID 19 pandemic, great intellectual minds such as that of Cde Thumbu Mahlangu were needed to help come around this situation. It is in the name of this fallen revolutionary that the ANC in Ekurhuleni wishes to call on all ANC structures, members, and citizens of Ekurhuleni to adhere to all the government measures put in place to combat the COVID 19 pandemic.

The ANC urges all citizens to remain indoors, maintain hygiene and keep social distancing. All citizens are further urged cooperate with the law enforcement agencies and allow the ANC led government to continue providing wisdom in the fight against this pandemic. The ANC wishes to assure all citizens that a way and answers will ultimately found to defeat this virus. It is upon all citizens to work collectively to fight thls COVID 19 virus by strictly adhering to the directives of the Government and medical experts.

In conclusion, the ANC in Ekurhuleni region working with the City of Ekurhuleni and Cde Thumbu Mahlangu's family will communicate the funeral arrangements, taking into consideration the restrictions in response to the COVID 19 pandemic Regulations dictacting that only 50 people per funeral should attend.

Once again, the ANC wishes to extend heartfelt condolences to the Mahlangu family, friends, colleagues and comrades of Cde Thumbu Mahlangu and wishes to urge all citizens to remain safe, maintain hygiene, keep social distancing and obey government directives.


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