Oasis of Life family Church in Vosloorus, under the leadership of Apostle GJ and Mrs. S Skosana have always been at the forefront of feeding the destitute, orphaned, the aged and less- privileged in the community of Vosloorus. When the need intensified for more efforts and more hands to come on board and assist with feeding the children who will not be fed at school due to the Covic 19 epidemic, Oasis of Life Family Church Vosloorus jumped to the opportunity to assist.
On the 22 April 2020, Oasis of life Family Church Vosloorus, together with TsAfrika Foundation NPC joint hands and launched their first day of feeding lunch to the children who are on the Government’s school feeding scheme list. The children will be given nutritious meals on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and this will continue until the children are allowed to go back to school and/ until the epidemic has subsided. The church and Mam Cynthia Motau (from TsAfrika), indicated that this project will be able to serve 200 children (per day) with healthy meals . There is also an opportunity of groceries being afforded to destitute families, child-headed families and the aged. These groceries will be handed out on Tuesdays. Members of the community in Vosloorus who are in need of this assistance, are kindly urged to call Clr. Alfred Sibanyoni (ward 44) in order to list their names for the groceries. Clr. Sibanyoni’s contact details are : 072 565 2815 Oasis of Life Family church would like to extend their heartfelt and humble gratitude to Mam Cynthia, former students of Turfloop University (fondly known as Turf), Umsizi, DRD Gold and to all the stakeholders who are making this much-needed project a success. The Church is requesting any member of the community or business sector who would like to assist with any kind of sponsorship, is kindly requested to contact Mr. Mpumelelo Khalo at: 079 152 7337 church representative.