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Writer's picture: EkuruleninewsEkuruleninews

The African Transformation Movement (ATM) welcomes the 14 – day extension of the lockdown after a teleconference by President Ramaphosa with all the different political parties represented in Parliament.

This period must be used to deepen education of communities on various preventative measures. Furthermore, we are hopeful that this lockdown extension will assist in the flattening of the curve, the active tracking and testing. As the lockdown goes into full extension, ATM brings the following points forward: 1. The drugs that will be used in the treatment processes must be approved by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA), to ensure compliance with our own medical standards;

2. All testing kits either by donation or procurement, must be tested and approved by our local health laboratories to rule out any speculation of contamination of these kits; 3. With the ongoing looting of liquor stores, schools and other amenities, intelligence units must be activated to track and incarcerate all the perpetrators; 4. All service providers must give payment holidays with a freeze on the applicable interest to all the citizens, seeing that losses of income have already been experienced by the workface of South Africa, especially in the tourism industry; 5. All churches are requested to open their doors for the homeless to find shelter, seeing that harsh weather conditions are slowly creeping in. Churches are also requested to avail their premises as temporary clinic setups in cases where health facilities are far from the reach of people; 6. The Presidency is called upon to approach celebrities and seek donations to the Solidarity Fund and/or driving up public participation and general adherence to the prescribed lockdown rules; 7. Informal traders must be given top priority in the issuing of permits for operating. Cases where permits are sold, as seen in Instika Yethu Municipality, must be condemned during this period. 8. Government must communicate with the public and allay their fears, whether real or imagined, and timeously feed the public with a true reflection of events at all times. In all efforts to further flatten the curve, ATM encourages all the citizens of the country to adopt the principles of Ubuntu, put the needs of all other South Africans first, and stay at home. In cases where there are signs of infection of this virus, report it to the local health facilities. Issued by the African Transformation Movement


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