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Writer's picture: EkuruleninewsEkuruleninews

I would like to wish all the citizens of Ekurhuleni a very Merry Christmas. This is a special time of year. A time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, spend precious time with our loved ones. As another year comes to a close and we approach the festive season, it always seems appropriate that we take time to reflect on the year gone by.

It’s also a time to be thankful for everything we have, pay tribute to our amazing emergency services and security agencies who’ll be working hard over the holiday period, and offer help to those who are less fortunate, the sick, the vulnerable and the homeless.

In 2019 the City of Ekurhuleni has remained consistent in our promise of running a pro-poor administration that is obsessed with delivering quality services to our citizens. Such a commitment has been echoed in the results of the sixth South African Satisfactory Index (SA-CSI) conducted by Consulta. The 2019 SA-CSI results revealed that the City of Ekurhuleni had the highest level of customer satisfaction above the other two Gauteng Metros, Tshwane and Johannesburg.

The city also received two awards at the Rand Water Forum Awards. The awards were for Water Quality Assurance and Best Metropolitan Municipality in water demand management. The metro achieved the highest volume of water use below the target allocated by Rand Water.

We are humbled by the numerous accolades the City has received in 2019, but we are fully aware of the enormous challenge we still face in improving the material conditions of the many citizens in our city. As a city, we can assure the citizens of Ekurhuleni that all emergency and essential services such as refuse collection, electricity and water services will not be affected by the annual recess.

Let me take this opportunity to thank the residents, ratepayers, and city employees for continuously working hand in hand with us in building a better city. For those who will driving vast distances over this festive season, drive safely, do not drink and drive, do not text and drive and arrive alive.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a great 2020.


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