Weather can be deceiving, but sunny or chilly, rainy or overcast, the sun is always sending harmful Ultra Violet (UV) rays to the earth.[1],[2],[3] There are two types of UV rays: the UVB rays are responsible for the redness of skin, burning, skin damage, skin spots and ultimately skin cancer.2 UVA rays can damage cell structure and cause ageing, and increase risk of cancer specifically malignant melanoma (a serious form of skin cancer).2 At least 80% of sun-induced skin damage occurs before the age of 18, and only manifests later in life2. It is therefore particularly important that children’s skins are protected with sunscreen throughout the year1. While people with a fair skin tone (blonde/red hair; light skin; freckles; green/blue eyes) are more at risk for sunburn and skin damage, people of all ethnic groups are at risk of getting skin cancer. Quality sunscreens are a must for all South Africans, young and old, all year round.1 [cid:image002.jpg@01D55CC1.0AF17EE0]
In the interests of ensuring that your family uses effective sunscreen offering adequate protection, opt for sunscreen endorsed by The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA).2 Look for the CANSA Seal of Recognition (CSOR) on your sun protection products. This seal ensures that the brand has complied with strict criteria developed by CANSA in the interest of a SunSmart South Africa.2 It is best to use a sunscreen that has a sun protection factor of a minimum of 20 and not higher than 502, and broad-spectrum protection against harmful UVA & UVB rays, preventing premature ageing and lowering your risk of skin cancer.2,3
Island Tribe sunscreens are designed to give the user effective protection against both UVA and UVB rays. With a range of products to choose from, users are sure to find the Island Tribe product that’s right for them … one that has been tested by dermatologists, and bears the CANSA seal of recognition