An adult female passenger in one of the two trucks involved in a crash, succumbed her life while under medical treatment on scene while the driver and the other male passenger were hospitalised in critical trauma conditions. The incident happened near the intersection of R554 and Trichardt roads, Windmill Park in the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE). The incident happened in the morning around 07H30.
Emergency Services rescue teams under the CoE, both from Boksburg central and Vosloorus fire stations, promptly responded to the scene for intervention. On assessment, three patients were accounted for and all were found still trapped inside the cab of one of the trucks. Specialised Hydraulic Rescue Tools (Jaws of Life) had to be used to free and recover the injured from the wreckage. The driver of the second truck escaped with no injuries. Paramedics rendered necessary pre-hospital medical treatment to all patients and unfortunately, the female patient succumbed her life because of intense upper body and head injuries sustained and was declared deceased on scene. The other two male patients who sustained critical head and chest injuries, had to flown to Union hospital by two medical choppers for further medical care. The road had to be closed for the entire duration of the rescue operations. It is alleged that both trucks were driving in the same directions prior the crash. One truck from behind, drove into the rear of an articulate truck which was approaching and stopping at the red traffic light. The scene was then handed over to the other stakeholder officials for further investigations and removal of the remains of the deceased to an appropriate pathological facility.