The City of Ekurhuleni calls on distressed residents in need of food to contact their ward councillor to access the emergency relief food parcels the City has mobilised through the City’s Central Food Bank. The Central Food Bank has been established as a distribution point where emergency relief donations in the City will be received and then distributed in response to the socio-economic situation residents find themselves in due to the Covid-19. The emergency relief food parcels will be distributed through a ward-based system coordinated by ward councillors. Non-governmental organisations and non-profit organisations should also approach ward councillors in the ward from which they operate should they have details of residents in need of emergency relief food parcel.
Where ward councillors are not reachable, the City’s customer care centres will take requests for aid. In order to qualify for food parcel from the City’s Central Food Bank, the applicant must comply with one or more of the following conditions: The members of the household must be unemployed Have no income during the lockdown period Should be registered in the municipal indigent register The application for a food parcel will be informed by the size of the household The applicant has been affected by a disaster, and the specific area has not yet been declared a disaster area and The applicant is not receiving assistance from any other organisation The breadwinner is diseased and insufficient means are available The applicant is not a member of a household that is already receiving assistance Single individual in the household will be provided food Those renting will be required to produce a proof Documents required Proof of residence Identity document Proof of employment and status of employment (description of the type of work and payment system) Disqualification Household receiving state grant (OASP) Receiving private pension Received food from the provincial food bank Should not have applied for UIF in the previous two months