The Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko, welcomes the arrest of three Gauteng Traffic Police Officers belonging to the Special Law Enforcement Unit (SLEU), pending the investigation of the facts surrounding their arrest. The officers were arrested on Friday, 3 April 2020, for allegedly soliciting and receiving a bribe.
It is alleged that the SLEU officers were arrested by the members of the Midrand SAPS, after SAPS received information that the officers went to a house in Midrand and demanded a bribe. The officers are said to have been cornered by the SAPS and arrested in Midrand, as they allegedly went to collect the remainder of the bribe they demanded. "I welcome the arrest of the 3 Gauteng Special Law Enforcement Unit officers, for allegedly soliciting and receiving a bribe. The law must take its course, without fear or favour. "said MEC Mazibuko. The Gauteng Department of Community Safety will, today, issue the 3 officers with letters of intent to suspend them, pending the investigation of the case.