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Writer's picture: EkuruleninewsEkuruleninews

We need to advise all TRADITIONAL HEALTH PRACTITIONERS (THPs) in the South Africa and anywhere in the world MUST refrain from FALSE & MISLEADING claims of having powers to cure or knowing how to cure nor treat CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19). We do not want our age old African traditional practices to be dragged in the mud by people whose aim is to make money by any means necessary. We call on community members to dismiss such charlatans for who they are - they are dangerous impostors who will drive people to their graves. We must all remain at home so that we disrupt the transmission of this deadly virus.

We as THPs of South Africa, we are able to treat and manage colds and flu, cough and related symptoms what we generally refer to as Imikhuhlane using our Afrikan Indigenous Medicines. We will use our platforms and networks to ensure that the law enforcement agencies deal with these types. We call on all belaphi to avoid by all means to bring Afrikan traditional healing and spirituality into disrepute. We are working with our government to ensure meaningful inclusion of African traditional medicine in the delivery of healthcare services. This has been a long struggle, and we do not want anyone to set us back with their tricks. COVID-19 requires sober heads, and we are sober. Those not sober should not do so in our name. We have no time to get into the germs and viruses theories. We are long passed this arguments. Our focus is to work with government and other stakeholders to flatten the curve be disrupting the spread of CORONAVIRUS. We reiterate the call by the President, the Minister of Health, the World Health Organisations and all others that we must stay home. Our patients must stay home and only consult with us in cases of emergencies during this 21 days lockdown. We want to help ourselves, our families, our communities, our government and the world over by doing what is right which is to protect lives. To our patients, their families and all abelaphi - PLEASE NOTE THAT CURRENTLY THERE IS NO VACCINE OR AFRICAN TRADITIONAL CURE OR MEDICINE OR IMBIZA to prevent or cure Coronavirus disease (COVID -19). We must all stay home, wash our hands and practice social distancing. If you see any symptoms associated with CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19), contact the 24-HOUR HOTLINE NUMBER:0800 029 999 and you will be assisted on what to do. We urge abelaphi who are not sure to seek guidance on COVID-19 and THPs by contacting Mkhulu Solly Nduku on 0685222576 or Gogo Phepsile Maseko on 0826876290 or Gonondo Sheila Mbele-Khama on 0837440965


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