When security companies or emergency services respond to any call for help, it is important that the responders find you as quickly as possible. Having a clearly visible home number outside your house is important for this exact reason. "Every second counts when we respond to an alarm signal or any other kind of call for help," says Charnel Hattingh, National Communications and Marketing Manager at Fidelity ADT. "The last thing anyone wants, is for the response to be potentially delayed because officers couldn't find your house. Making it easy to find your residence isn't just a great idea for your visiting friends, but it also helps when someone needs to rush to your aid when things go wrong." She recommends that home owners make sure that their home numbers are visible and in a prominent position. "We suggest using numbering that is large and easy to read, in a position that anyone in the street can see - such as above your garage door, or next to your front door. Don't use a colour or a font that blends into the colour of your wall."It is also a good idea, says Hattingh, to check that any numbers that you might have installed in the past are still clearly visible. The effects of wear-and-tear, especially after a cold and wet winter season, means they may have become damaged and faded and are in need of replacement."If you have any vegetation growing along your wall or on the property that could potentially obstruct the numbers, make sure you trim it back. Remember, these numbers could be a lifesaver so you want to make sure you have them visible, large and in the right colour," says Hattingh.
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